Get Trade Report
Request to be POSTed to uri : /NorenWClientTP/GetTradeReport
Request Details :
Parameter Name | Possible value | Description |
jData* | Should send json object with fields in below list | |
jKey* | Key Obtained on login success. |
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
actid | Account Id | |
from_date | 13-06-2022 | From date [dd-mm-yyyy] |
to_date | 18-06-2022 | To date [dd-mm-yyyy] |
brkname | Login users broker ID |
Response Details :
Response data will be in json format with below fields.
Json Fields | Possible value | Description |
stat | Ok or Not_Ok | Modify order success or failure indication. |
norenordno | Noren Order Number | |
kidid | Kid Id | |
status | Order status (New, Replaced, Complete, Rejected etc) | |
rpt | Report Type (fill/complete etc) | |
uid | Logged in User Id | |
actid | Account Id of logged in user | |
token | Contract token | |
cname | Company Name | |
symname | Symbol Name | |
instname | Instrument Name | |
exch | NSE, BSE, NFO ... | Exchange |
seg | Segment | |
optt | Option Type | |
isin | ISIN | |
ls | Lot Size | |
tsym | Trading symbol | |
ordersource | MOB / WEB / TT | Used to generate exchange info fields. |
trantype | Transaction type | |
prctyp | Price Type | |
ret | Order retention type (DAY, EOS, IOC,...) | |
prd | H / M / ... | Product name |
s_prdt_ali | Product display name | |
qty | Order Quantity | |
prc | Order Price | |
norentm | Noren time stamp | |
exchordid | Exchange Order Number | |
rejreason | Order rejection reason, if rejected | |
cancelqty | Canceled quantity for order which is in status cancelled. | |
brkname | Login users broker ID | |
brnchid | Branch Id | |
fillshares | Total Traded Quantity of this order | |
flprc | Fill Price | |
trgprc | Order trigger price | |
avgprc | Average trade price of total traded quantity | |
strprc | Strike Price | |
ti | Tick Size | |
flqty | Fill Quantity | |
prcftr_d | ((GN / GD) * (PN/PD)) (actual value for calculations) | |
tsym2 | Trading symbol of second leg | |
trantype2 | Transaction type of second leg | |
tsym3 | Trading symbol of third leg | |
trantype3 | Transaction type of third leg |
Sample Success Response :
"norentm":"17:08:09 17-06-2022",
"prcftr_d":"(0 / 0 ) * (0 / 0)",
Sample Failure Response :
"emsg":"Invalid Input : Invalid Position Type"